- Free Flagpole Photographers memberships for the rest of the 2020-2021 season which ends in June 2021. This free membership allows you to enter photos in our competitions and scavenger hunts. Click here and request a free membership.
- All activities continue to be virtual. Visitors are welcome to attend all meetings.
Special NECCC Showcase “hunt” competition for all members. Photo upload opened on April 5.
All individual members of any of the NECCC camera clubs are invited to participate in a fun and free Pandemic Inspired Photo Showcase! This event is designed so everyone can participate from their own homes. There are five categories, Pandemic Partners, In the Safety Zone, Mealtime, Games and My Life in Black and White. You can enter photos in as many categories as you like, from just one to all five, however, you can’t enter the same photo in more than one category. All photos must have been taken in 2021. This is your chance to get creative! A category’s “meaning” is open to your interpretation! Let’s have some fun with this! Everyone who participates and enters at least one photo will then be eligible to select their top favorite in each category. Even though this showcase is focused on individual participants, the NECCC camera club with the greatest percentage of members participating will be recognized.
Upcoming activities (all)
- April 8, Thursday Saturday 7:15 pm, Professional photographer Julia Gerace presents Portrait Photography
- April 22, Thursday 7:15 pm, Competition with “All In The Details” Assigned Subject & “Sunrise or Sunset” Monthly Challenge.
- May 1, Saturday, Flagpole Photographers Annual Competition & Exhibit – Uploads from May 1 to 12. Exhibit opens May 16.
- May 13, Thursday 7:15 pm, How Would I Edit That? Your opportunity to provide photos to be live edited by Darrell, Mark & Chane.
- May 16, Sunday 2:00 pm, Annual Competition & Exhibit — Judging and Awards Presentation
In the news
- Watch recording and view photos from March 25 “Creative Lighting” monthly competition
- Highlights of Artistic Expression through Smartphone Photography from Michael Koren
- Results from March Scavenger Hunt
- A few recent highlights from our Facebook group (all non-Facebook links)
- Free Lightroom Virtual Summit May 3 – May 7
- Photographer Captures Aurora Over Iceland’s Erupting Volcano
- Newtown’s America Legion Post asking for photographers to capture Taps Along the Housatonic River on Memorial Day, May 31
Congratulations to our Competition with “Creative Lighting” Assigned Subject & “Take a Closer Look” Monthly Challenge – Mar 25, 2021 competition winners!

Read on the web at https://flagpolephotographers.com/posts/
To unsubscribe, reply to info@FlagpolePhotographers.com with a subject of “Remove.”
Chane Cullens