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Flagpole Photographers does not know what your password is. Click the button below to define a password. It will take about 15 minutes for the password reset email to arrive.
Sign In
In the top menu, look inside the “Members” menu for “Sign In”. Enter your email address and password.
Competition Rules
Read our rules before you upload.
Upload Photos
Only jpg/jpeg files, use a very high quality setting.
Member Gallery
Explore & Share: Unofficial Photo Adventures
Meetup Forum
Join fellow club members for impromptu photo outings! Announce your plans for unique locations (tulip farms, zoos, fairs) in the forum. Carpool, share tips, and build your photo portfolio together.
- Browse the meetup forum for upcoming trips (look for location/date clues in titles).
- RSVP to connect with organizers.
- Subscribe to “New Topics” for email updates.
All members are welcome to create new trips, share experiences, and discuss!
This meetup forum is only visible to signed in members, thus no outsiders know the people, places and dates. To automatically receive email updates for all new meetups, simply click “Subscribe for new topics” at the top of the Meetup page. Also, look for the link in our Members menu at the top of every page: Members -> Meetup Forum.
Enjoy your adventures!