Flagpole Photographers January 2022 Newsletter

Hi Everyone

  • All activities continue to be virtual at least through March. Visitors are welcome to attend all meetings.

Upcoming activities

  1. January 13, Thursday at 7:15 pm“You Be the Judge” by Darrell Harrington. Ever say, “I would have given that a higher/lower score”? Curious why judges comment the way they do? This is your chance to get behind the scenes and ask questions or give your own comment.
  2. January 27, Thursday at 7:00 pmCompetition with “I’m so Blue” Assigned Subject and Monthly Challenge “Macro”. Note the challenge was changed from Shadows to Macro since Shadows is the Assigned Subject for April.
    1. Open Color B and Open Monochrome B have returned!
    2. Upload deadline moved to the Sunday night before every competition.
  3. February 3, Thursday at 7:30 pmMentor Night. Introducing Mentor Night on the first Thursday of the month. Mentor Night is about asking questions, sharing knowledge and the fun of learning more about photography. Show up with some photos and questions.

Click to view all of our activities

In the news

Congratulations to our Holiday Party Flames Audience Judged Competition – Dec 10, 2021 competition winner!

Toasting the Night
Sandy SchillToasting the Night

