Hi Members
This page contains everything you need to know about entering your photographs and volunteering to make the Annual Competition and Exhibit a success. If you have any questions, email Rhonda@CCullens.com. For pubic information, like where and when, see the 2019 Annual Competition Exhibit post.

Now – We are putting together an advertising poster and need photographs. See directions below.
April 11, Drop off – Thursday at 7:15, just before our program night at the Newtown Senior Center, give your photographs to Rhonda Cullens.
May 1, Hanging – Wednesday Noon – 2:00 hang photos on the C.H. Booth Library walls.
May 5, Judging and Reception – Sunday 11:30 (room setup), 12:30 (judging), 1:45 (food setup), 2:00 (public reception) 4:30 (cleanup)
Please invite all of your family, friends and everyone else to the 2:00-4:00 public reception.
May 10, People’s Choice results – Friday, the People’s Choice Ballots will be counted.
May 31, Take down and pick up – Friday at 3:30, photos will be taken down. Members can either come to the library at this time to get their photos, or they may pick them up at our final competition night on June 13.
June 13 pick up – Thursday, at our competition night, members may pick up their photos if they haven’t already done so on the May 31st pick up.
Entering photographs
The maximum is six photographs; three color prints and three monochrome prints. Follow our normal print (maximum size 16″ x 20″, matted or mounted, no frames, must be taken in the last 24 months …). Use plenty of strong glue/tape etc. to secure all layers, especially if double matted and/or using mounting board or foam core. Photographs will be hanging for four weeks and need to stay together!
At the bottom center of each print will be a visible label that includes the title and photographer’s name. The name will be folded under when judging. Please use this template to print your labels:
Printing template 8.5×11 – for the visible labels at the Annual Exhibit
Also, please mark the exact center on the backside near the top which will help us put the plastic hanging hook in the right place so it doesn’t hang crooked!
Providing digital versions for advertising posters and web
We need digital versions of some of your photographs for our advertising posters that will be displayed around town. Also, we will use some of the digital versions on the web page about the exhibit. Click here to upload your photographs – choose “2019 – Annual show”.
Ribbon Categories and Awards
The following awards, in this order, are presented by a team of outside judges at the annual competition. No photograph may receive more than one award.
Judges’ Best in Show
Dave Kriger Nature Award
Jeannette Talarino Flower Award
Bruce Allen Open Print Award
Color Open – First, Second, Third place and 2 Honorable Mentions
Monochrome Open – First, Second, Third place and 2 Honorable Mentions
Judges Choice Award
People’s Choice Award:
Voted on by those visiting the exhibit – Community and club members attending the exhibit also may vote once for their favorite photo until Friday, May 10. All photos, including award winners, are eligible for the People’s Choice Award.
Let us know if you’d like to help!
Set up the room for the reception
Bring food, beverages, or supplies for the reception – Contact Lucy with any questions or 860-836-0271
Clean up after the reception
Take down of photos