Photographing Flowers by John Munno

On Thursday evening, March 14th, John Munno gave an inspiring presentation on Flower Photography. John brought his own special healing perspective and spiritual sensitivity to the presentation, emphasizing photographing flowers in their natural habitat. He spoke of connecting to, and even communicating with, the flowers, sharing in their happiness. He explained how he would often crawl around on his stomach to get a flower level perspective, just as you would try to get on your subject’s level to photograph children or animals. And perhaps more importantly, he explained the importance of getting on the ground to feel the healing power of the earth and to experience the fairyland world under the flowers that most people are disconnected from and too busy, too distracted, and too elevated to see.

John also shared his knowledge on managing natural light challenges, depth of field challenges, and using a tripod effectively. He concluded by explaining some of the technology available for flower and macro photography, including macro lenses, tube extensions, diopters, focusing rails, and such, but, unsurprisingly, said his personal approach was to keep things simple when he could.

It was such a pleasure to experience John’s warmth, friendliness and expertise during this program.

Thank you, John!

Photos by Charlie Batchelder

John’s presentation

