‘Newtown & Beyond’ On View At Municipal Center
October 21, 2016
The Newtown Bee

The Flagpole Photographers Camera Club is presenting its annual “Newtown & Beyond” photography exhibition through October 27 at Newtown Municipal Center, 3 Primrose Street.
The public is invited to stop by weekdays between 8 am and 5 pm to enjoy a collection of 270 photographs taken by members of the local club. Many photos of Newtown are featured, but there are also photos taken across the country and around the world. Most of the photographs on display are offered for sale as well.
The Flagpole Photographers were the recent recipients of a generous grant from the Newtown Cultural Arts Commission (NCAC) allowing them to purchase additional exhibit display supplies used in this exhibit. NCAC is also a co-sponsor of this exhibit.
Flagpole Photographers Camera Club is a local non-profit group that enables members to share their images and expertise, to learn and grow in their photography, and to enjoy the camaraderie of fellow photographers. Members come from diverse backgrounds, with photographic skills ranging from beginning novices to professional photographers.
Anyone interested in photography, whether just starting out or someone who has been shooting photos for many years, can find a place within the club.
Club meetings and competitions are held at Newtown Senior Center, 14 Riverside Road in Sandy Hook. Members compete each month in a different assigned subject, as well as in three additional categories: Open Digital, Open Color and Open Monochrome. While the competition is only open to members, the public is invited to listen to critiques and learn about photography.
The club also holds Program Nights on a variety of photo related topics which are also open to the public. There is no charge to attend Flagpole Photographers Camera Club meetings, which are usually held on the fourth Thursday of every month, September through June.
New members are always welcome to join the club. Dues are $35 per person or $55 for a family. Students may join at no charge.
For additional information email info@flagpolephotographers.com or visit flagpolephotographers.com.