Hi Members
This page contains what you need to know about entering your photographs and volunteering for our Animals Photo Exhibit in October at the Newtown Municipal Center! If you have any questions, email Rhonda@CCullens.com.
- Now – Choose and prepare your photos! We are putting together the advertising and need your photographs. Please upload a few of your favorites using our upload page.
- October 13-16 Titles Due – Email titles and prices of all your photos to Rhonda@CCullens.com before you drop them off.
- October 13-16 Drop Off – Bring your unframed photographs that are either matted or mounted to a firm backing to Rhonda Cullens at 9 Founders Lane, Sandy Hook. Call 203-426-8473 before you come to make sure someone is home. If you prefer “contactless drop-off” we can open the garage door and you can leave them in the plastic bins.
- October 18 Hang Show – 10:00 am Hang show at the Municipal Center.
- October 28 Take Down and Pick Up – 11:00 am – 12:30 pm Members and buyers may pick up photos at the Municipal Center. If you also want to have your photos in the November and December “Newtown & Beyond” exhibit, let us know and you do not have to pick them up.
“Animal Photos” featuring animals of all types! “Animals” may be broadly defined including mammals, birds, amphibians, reptiles, fish, insects, etc.
Every member may submit photos of animals. Loose photos are not accepted. Matted and/or mounted photos are fine. If submissions exceed space and hanging limitations, the exhibit committee will select entrants. Photos may be offered for sale if photographer chooses. If you choose to offer your photos for sale, please use whole dollars, in increments of $5, with a minimum of $20.
We will be using the same exhibit style label as we do for “Newtown and Beyond”. Click here for the template. You’ll need to enter your title in the top box, your name in the lower-left box, and the price, or the words “Not for sale” if you don’t want to offer them for sale, in the lower right box. Then print them, cut them out, and attach to the backside of the bottom-center so the text boxes are visible from the front. The outside top of the title box should be showing just below the mat or mounted photo. If you want, you can bring the labels with your photos and we can help put them on at drop off.
Preparation of Photos
Use plenty of strong glue/tape etc. to secure all layers, especially if double matted and/or using mounting board or foam core.
Also, for matted and mounted photos, please draw a small line on the top backside indicating the exact center of the photo. Double check your line by measuring from both sides to make sure it is in the middle. This will assist in the attachment of the plastic hanging hooks. If this line is not in the center, the photo will hang crooked.
On the Backside
Please make sure your name and title are on the back of your photos just in case the label comes off.
Multiple Sales of a Photo
The first person to request to buy a photo will get the one off the wall and can pick it up at the end of the exhibit. If others want your photo as well, I will email you to ask if you are willing to reproduce additional copies and get them to me before pick up date.
Registration of Photos
Email all titles and prices, or “Not for sale,” with exact spelling and punctuation to Rhonda@CCullens.com before you drop them off so we can make up the photographer and price list sheet.
We will be hanging the exhibit on Monday, October 18, starting at 10:00 am at the Municipal Center. You’re welcome to come help join the fun hanging the show!
Take down
On Thursday, October 28, starting at 11:00 am we will be taking down the exhibit. Feel free to help take the photos back down too!
Pick up
You may pick up your photos at the Municipal Center Thursday, October 28, from 11:00 am – 12:30 pm at the Municipal Center. Rhonda will bring home any of the photos not picked up. Please let her know if you want them put in the next exhibit in November and December or when you would like to pick them up.
If you can help hang or take down the exhibit: Contact Rhonda@CCullens.com or 203-426-8473.