“Still Life” Competition
The assigned subject for April is “Still Life”.
Put into practice what you learned at Charlie Batchelder’s program night last month if you like for this assigned subject of “Still Life.” While still life is typically an arrangement of inanimate common objects, feel free to explore your own creativity with what you select as your subject.
A member may enter up to four photos. Only one photo may be submitted in each of the following categories:
Assigned Subject – enter either for Digital Assigned Subject or Print Assigned Subject, but not both, entries may be color or monochrome
Digital Open – enter either Class A or Class B, but not both – entries may be color or monochrome
Print Open Color
Print Open Monochrome
See Competition Rules for details.
Uploading digital photos
Use the Upload page for all digital categories. The upload deadline is Monday, at midnight, the week of the competition. Information onupload file types, sizes and color space are at the bottom of the upload page.
Print labels
Usethe label templatefor the information that must be on the back of your photo. Attach the label in the upper left corner so that your photo will beorientated correctly for the judges. You can enter your information into the label template before your print, or by hand after you print. Leave the “Picture #” and “Score” fields blank.
Rhonda- Welcome, Thank you to Charlie – Still Life program and Chane – Newtown Workshop
Charlie- Program updates
Rhonda – Annual Competition & Reception
Sandy – New England Camera Club Council results update
Sandy – Introduce the judges
Assigned Subject – “Still Life”
Open – Class A
Open – Class B
Assigned Subject – “Still Life”
Open Color
Open Monochrome
Fast run-through at the start
Ties resolved at end of category
Short break after digital for snacks
Range: 6 to 10 by half points
Practice now, note your score acknowledgment below keypad, disappears after 15 seconds
Brief and focus on how to improve
One judge’s comments per photo
Rotating judges