Photography Scavenger Hunt
Fun, comradery and challenge
This event will test your ability to work together to find items or actions and then take great photos of them. It will also includea lot of socializing and eating as we decide on the winners.We will break into teams thenzip off to take photos of the thingson our scavengerhunt list. We will meet later for lunch and judging.
What is a scavenger hunt?
Scavengerhuntsarefungamesthatpromoteteamworkandproblemsolvingskills. Although there are many ways to do a scavenger hunt, we will probably have lists of items or actions to find that your team will photograph. We will meet back at Chane and Rhonda’s at noon for lunch to see which team photographed the best photo of each one!
Reserve your spot by using our sign-up sheet
9:00 am – start at the Senior Center parking lot – 14 Riverside Road, Sandy Hook
noon – meeting at Cullens’ for lunch (food provided, drinks BYOB) and editing photos – 9 Founders Lane, Sandy Hook
1:00 – judging
2:00 – ending
This event is restricted to members and their guests only.