Thumbnail View
See your photos, zoom in or out, sort and filter the thumbnails. Hover over any thumbnail to get lots of information about the photo.
Gallery View
Click any thumbnail to open a large gallery view of all of the thumbnails being viewed.

Zoom – Smaller, Reset, Larger
Use the zooming tools to meet your viewing needs. Click on any thumbnail to open in the large gallery view.
Sort by Date or Awards
Sorting by date places the newest event photos at the top. Your gallery photos are always at the bottom. If the event has categories, the photos are sorted by category title. If you have gallery photos, they are at the bottom and sorted by when you uploaded them. The first photo in the gallery section is the most recent photo you added to your gallery.
Enter words and phases to search for. Searching is case-insensitive. Searching automatically starts one second after you stop typing. Searching only looks for matching words in your photo title, category name and award or score. Note: It will not search the photo itself.
- red barn – finds photos that have either red or barn in their title or category name. Note ‘barns’ has the word ‘barn’ in it and ‘credit’ has the word ‘red’ in it.
- “red barn” – finds photos that have the exact phase “red barn”. Note matches ‘red barns’, but does not match ‘red or green barns’.
- “red” “barn” – finds photos that have both “red” and “barn”. Note matches ‘reddish barn’ and ‘red or green barns’.
- When quoting you must use double quote marks “, not single quote marks ‘.
- To find the photos you entered into Open Color, search for “open color”, likewise to find your Nature photos with “nature”.
- Search can also find awards, e.g. first, second and scores 27, 29. Note a number like 29 will find 29 and 29½.
When – Which Year
Use the When filter to only display photos for a specific year. For example, 2019, would only display photos that were either entered into an event that happened in 2019 or were uploaded to your gallery in 2019.
Event Type
Use the Event filter to only display photos from Competitions, Programs or your Gallery.
Mix and Match
For example to find the photos you entered into the Nature Category in 2023, search for “nature”, plus Year of ‘2023’, plus Event type of ‘Competition’. Or, find your top scoring monochrome photos in 2018 using: Search: “open monochrome”, Year: 2018, Sorted by: Score.
The color of a thumbnail’s border provides a quick indicator of some information.
- A thicker border with red in the lower right corner indicates an award winner. Gold = first, Silver = second and Bronze = third. Plus a few other colors for Best in Show and Judges Choice.
- A green border indicates it has been scored.
- A black border indicates it has not been scored.
- A white border indicates it is a gallery photo.
Event Type Icons
In the lower left of every thumbnail is an indicator of what type of event the photo was uploaded for.

Competition – a scored event

Program – an unscored event

Gallery – your personal gallery
Details of Your Photo
Hover over any thumbnail for lots of information about your photo.

When using the gallery view, hover over the blue info icon to display the photo information.

“Taken” date info is set to upload date if your photo did not have embedded metadata.
Gallery Icons

Autoplay, Zoom out (smaller), Zoom in (larger), View fullscreen and Close. The Escape key also closes the gallery view. The left and right arrow keys displays your next and previous photos.